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C10 Nervous System Diseases D009422 +
C10.597 Neurologic Manifestations D009461 +
C10.597.606 Neurobehavioral Manifestations D019954 +
C10.597.606.643 Mental Retardation D008607 +
C10.597.606.643.210 De Lange Syndrome D003635 C16 Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities D009358 +
C16.131 Abnormalities D000013 +
C16.131.077 Abnormalities, Multiple D000015 +
C16.131.077.272 De Lange Syndrome D003635 C16 Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities D009358 +
C16.131 Abnormalities D000013 +
C16.131.260 Chromosome Disorders D025063 +
C16.131.260.210 De Lange Syndrome D003635 C16 Congenital, Hereditary, and Neonatal Diseases and Abnormalities D009358 +
C16.320 Genetic Diseases, Inborn D030342 +
C16.320.180 Chromosome Disorders D025063 +
C16.320.180.210 De Lange Syndrome D003635