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E06 Dentistry D003813 +
E06.780 Prosthodontics D011476 +
E06.780.345 Dental Prosthesis D017266 +
E06.780.345.760 Dentures D003778 +
E06.780.345.760.290 Denture, Complete D003824 +
E06.780.345.760.290.254 Denture, Complete, Immediate D003825 E06.780.345.760.290.379 Denture, Complete, Lower D003826 E06.780.345.760.290.504 Denture, Complete, Upper D003827 E07 Equipment and Supplies D004864 +
E07.695 Prostheses and Implants D019736 +
E07.695.190 Dental Prosthesis D017266 +
E07.695.190.200 Dentures D003778 +
E07.695.190.200.205 Denture, Complete D003824 +
E07.695. Denture, Complete, Immediate D003825 E07.695. Denture, Complete, Lower D003826 E07.695. Denture, Complete, Upper D003827