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E02 Therapeutics D013812 +
E02.186 Combined Modality Therapy D003131 +
E02.186.250 Electroacupuncture D015671 E02 Therapeutics D013812 +
E02.190 Complementary Therapies D000529 +
E02.190.044 Acupuncture Therapy D015670 +
E02.190.044.244 Electroacupuncture D015671 E02 Therapeutics D013812 +
E02.779 Physical Therapy Techniques D026741 +
E02.779.468 Electric Stimulation Therapy D004599 +
E02.779.468.325 Electroacupuncture D015671 E02 Therapeutics D013812 +
E02.831 Rehabilitation D012046 +
E02.831.580 Physical Therapy Techniques D026741 +
E02.831.580.468 Electric Stimulation Therapy D004599 +
E02.831.580.468.325 Electroacupuncture D015671 E03 Anesthesia and Analgesia D000760 +
E03.091 Analgesia D000698 +
E03.091.430 Electroacupuncture D015671 E03 Anesthesia and Analgesia D000760 +
E03.155 Anesthesia D000758 +
E03.155.519 Electroacupuncture D015671