E01 Diagnosis D003933 +
E01.370 Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures D019937 +
E01.370.350 Diagnostic Imaging D003952 +
E01.370.350.350 Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted D007090 +
E01.370.350.350.810 Tomography, X-Ray Computed D014057 +
E01.370.350.350.810.180 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881
E01 Diagnosis D003933 +
E01.370 Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures D019937 +
E01.370.350 Diagnostic Imaging D003952 +
E01.370.350.600 Photography D010781 +
E01.370.350.600.350 Image Enhancement D007089 +
E01.370.350.600.350.700 Radiographic Image Enhancement D011856 +
E01.370.350.600.350.700.810 Tomography, X-Ray Computed D014057 +
E01.370.350.600.350.700.810.180 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881
E01 Diagnosis D003933 +
E01.370 Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures D019937 +
E01.370.350 Diagnostic Imaging D003952 +
E01.370.350.700 Radiography D011859 +
E01.370.350.700.700 Radiographic Image Enhancement D011856 +
E01.370.350.700.700.810 Tomography, X-Ray Computed D014057 +
E01.370.350.700.700.810.180 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881
E01 Diagnosis D003933 +
E01.370 Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures D019937 +
E01.370.350 Diagnostic Imaging D003952 +
E01.370.350.700 Radiography D011859 +
E01.370.350.700.810 Tomography, X-Ray D014056 +
E01.370.350.700.810.810 Tomography, X-Ray Computed D014057 +
E01.370.350.700.810.810.180 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881
E01 Diagnosis D003933 +
E01.370 Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures D019937 +
E01.370.372 Diagnostic Techniques, Digestive System D003938 +
E01.370.372.230 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881
H01 Natural Sciences D010811 +
H01.671 Physics D010825 +
H01.671.606 Optics D009906 +
H01.671.606.799 Photography D010781 +
H01.671.606.799.484 Image Enhancement D007089 +
H01.671.606.799.484.802 Radiographic Image Enhancement D011856 +
H01.671.606.799.484.802.935 Tomography, X-Ray Computed D014057 +
H01.671.606.799.484.802.935.180 Colonography, Computed Tomographic D023881