E05 Investigative Techniques D008919 +
E05.920 Technology, Radiologic D013679 +
E05.920.700 Teleradiology D019112
G02 Health Occupations D006281 +
G02.010 Allied Health Occupations D016390 +
G02.010.850 Technology, Radiologic D013679 +
G02.010.850.700 Teleradiology D019112
G02 Health Occupations D006281 +
G02.403 Medicine D008511 +
G02.403.840 Telemedicine D017216 +
G02.403.840.700 Teleradiology D019112
L01 Information Science D007254 +
L01.178 Communications Media D003146 +
L01.178.847 Telecommunications D013685 +
L01.178.847.652 Telemedicine D017216 +
L01.178.847.652.700 Teleradiology D019112
N04 Health Services Administration D006298 +
N04.452 Organization and Administration D009934 +
N04.452.515 Management Information Systems D008331 +
N04.452.515.825 Radiology Information Systems D011873 +
N04.452.515.825.500 Teleradiology D019112
N04 Health Services Administration D006298 +
N04.590 Patient Care Management D010346 +
N04.590.374 Delivery of Health Care D003695 +
N04.590.374.800 Telemedicine D017216 +
N04.590.374.800.700 Teleradiology D019112